Get the best product selections for wet pick bird cup b bird nest
Cup B Bird Nest refers to a specific type of bird’s nest known for its distinct characteristics. It is derived from the nests built by swiftlets, small birds found in caves and coastal areas. These nests are constructed using the bird’s saliva and are highly valued for their edible and nutritional properties.
Cup B Bird Nest is recognized for its unique cup-like shape, hence the name. The nests are usually light in colour, with a predominantly white appearance. They are sought after for their delicate texture, which turns gelatinous when cooked, and their subtle flavour.
Cup B Bird Nest is a prized ingredient in various culinary preparations, including soups, desserts, and beverages. Its nutritional composition, including proteins, amino acids, and minerals, contributes to its reputation as a healthful delicacy.
When seeking bird nest products, Cup B Bird Nest is often chosen for its exceptional quality and desirable attributes. Its rarity, along with its beneficial properties, makes it highly sought after in the market.
- Cup-shaped
- Uses a wet washing system
- Nests are of the Feather Weight variety
- 100% without any chemicals, free from impurity
- Ivory white nest colour
- the size of the nest height is more than 1.5 cup
Cup-shaped swallow nest with Grade B is the best wallet nest in its class, with a size of 1.5 cm up with irregular shape. Swallow’s nest contains various nutrients that promote massive health benefits, one of which is Collagen and Elastin which are not found in many other foods that will protect your complexion from various skin issues such as ageing and acne that come from various kinds of physical activities, pollution and food intake so that your skin will look younger, brighter and wrinkle-free.
Benefits of cup-shaped Grade B Wet Pick
- Able to neutralize toxins in the body
- Stimulates the growth of red blood cells
- Increases body endurance
- Balances energy in the body
- Restores and nourishes the lungs
- Improves digestive function
- Supports the pregnancy process
The right way to take care of the swiftlet bird’s nest after shipping
- Open the swallow’s nest packaging immediately
- Take the tray/basket, then remove the swallow’s nest one by one from the box, and arrange it neatly without overlapping.
- Put the swallow nest in an air-conditioned room with a temperature of 17-18 Celcius, and let stand for about 12 hours. *noted if you want to dry faster, you can add a fan.
- If the nest is already dry, we recommend putting it in a doughnut box to keep it dry and maintain its quality.
Notes that every item you buy will have a water content of 10%.
We intentionally include a 10% amount of water during the shipping so that it is not too hard during the shipping process, aiming to avoid the destruction of the swallow nest.
The swallow nest you receive is only 90% of the total order. Example. If you order 100 grams of swallow nest, you will receive 90 grams of dry swallow nest, while the remaining 10% is allocated for water content.